![]() No, I have not taken up soccer...but it IS a catchy phrase and kind of pertains to this post as you will see. Quite au contraire, my bending is of the inanimate kind and does not involve a ball. In fact, fork/spoon bending has become my new magic trick activity du jour since beginning the life coach training in the Martha Beck Institute. Curious, you say, but I do believe in the magic of life. The first time I bent a spoon was after reading Martha Beck's new book, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World, in which she encourages the reader to reclaim life through instinctual connections...the journey of life through nature and spirit. Formidable book that I could NOT put down! Run out and read it...NOW! But back to utensil bending... Do you believe in magic? Bending the silver requires you to access the 1st Technology of Magic, according to Martha, which is "Wordlessness". If you meditate, do Biodanza or any other contemplative activity that creates space for you to zone out and connect to the world with flow and peace, this may be easier to access as these people tend to be more able to zen out and drop into their right-brain connection. Gone are the words, the thoughts, the constant chatter and babble that fills our heads. Wordlessness is the quiet zone of just being with the present moment...where silence is golden and lovingly embraced; where your senses are heightened and felt. Once you tap into what she calls this "energy internet" of wordlessness, the 2nd Technology of Magic leads you to "Oneness". In this blissful energy filled space, there exists a profound tri-fold connection of self, the other and the universe. Technologically, it's akin to pressing "send" on your email and zipping your message lickety-split to its destination. It's magic that we can communicate in seconds via electronic courrier with someone across the globe with the click of a key, isn't it? So why not create this same magic with our "energy internet" beginning with a spoon? or a fork? Why not play with being able to connect with inanimate objects as well as with a human beings? A Tale Nine years ago while living in South Africa, I was on safari with my college BFF and she was dead set on spotting a leopard....not an easy feat when you have only a day or two to game drive and take in the Big 5! Moreover, leopards are not as likely to spot as they tend to be solitary creatures who move around a lot and whose spotted coats provide almost perfect camouflage coverage. In mostly silence, we dropped into this state of oneness with nature that you can attain while game driving... a kind of a state of flow as you sync with your surroundings with the intention a spotting these beautiful creatures in the wild. My friend then pulls out a brown paper cheetah print lunch bag (not leopard, but who cares, right?) and begins to wave it out the window. She had brought it specifically "to call" the animals and was energetically trying to coax them to appear. She was also gently cat calling them if I remember correctly! "Fat chance", I thought, along with "She's crazy fun and that's why I love her! " Amused by her but willing to go with it, we gazed out the windows seeking with my bundled newborn babe of 6 months bouncing around in his car seat. (PS... Babies love game drives...puts them to sleep!) So there we were...two girls and a baby bonding in a car cat calling leopards with high hopes. Magic happens... And blow me down! All of a sudden her bag waving and glowing personal energy internet produces magic! We spot a mother leopard with her cub teaching it how to hunt not far from the road! This was a most incredulous and unique sighting! We looked at each other, she with a knowing smile, me with an amazed grin and we enjoyed the beautiful sight of the most secretive and elusive nocturnal animal with its babe. The fact that I was also there with my own newborn leads me to believe now that synchronicity was working on many levels at that time. You see, my soul sister could already connect to wordlessness and had a sense of oneness with the world at that point in her developed spiritual life. She was able to drop into silence and oneness connecting directly to life via her internal source and when you let go and connect your beliefs in this way, the universe listens and hears you. And voilà, the leopard appears, the iron sturdy silverware bends and who knows what other awesome things manifest for yourself and the world! Bending it for LOVE... David Beckham most likely also dropped in to his wordless state of flow to be able to be one with the ball and "bend it". So here's to finding this magic in life...the kind of magic wordlessness that connects you authentically to things, people, places; the kind of magic oneness that creates spaces in your heart to believe in the power of a loving connection to all that can heal life, others and the even the world. Hey, maybe it could help you bend a fork! In a space where I am you and you are me, it is me and I am it we become more respectful of the existence of life. Imagine the implications for the world if we BELIEVE this to be true? So, remember, magic is always just around the bend! But don't ruin all your silverware trying to find it! Peace Michelle
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