Trauma can happen in many forms and is often debilitating for people. It overwhelms the capacity to cope and the potential to embrace hope and leaves one feeling the gamut of negative emotions...frustrated, depressed, helpless, sad, angry.
At the core of trauma is one thing, fear, and fear is what needs to be treated...with love. The memories of trauma imprint themselves into our body/mind/spirit and the body naturally registers this fear. Over time it will react quite negatively to being placed in permanent negative eco-factors as the cortisol pumps through the system keeping it on high alert. In fight or flight mode most of the time, the body has no real time to let go and release. It gets sick. The mind won't let the body surrender, because it (the mind) does not feel safe. That's understandable when one is suffering from any kind of PTSD. Part of the issue is that the brain is often working overtime. Whether experiencing trauma or just life itself, we have this human tendency to think a lot, analyze, regurgitate the stories to therapists story fondling our life path, talk over the incident ad nauseum with friends, belaboring our suffering when in fact many studies have show that this only works up to a certain point. Any many readers can attest to being in therapy now for years with no real relief. The bad news about story fondling is that whatever we put out attention on in life will grow stronger. What to do? Where to go? Most are left with a great conundrum about how to deal with their deep seated trauma and lingering depression. Therapy can be quite useful for many, but if countless hours of therapy are not working, what will? Drugs? Maybe they can alleviate some symptoms, but pharmaceuticals just mask the underlying issue of fear and who wants to take pills for the rest of one's life? Have you ever thought of embracing a BODY modality to heal your woes? Anecdotal evidence has been suggesting for years and now science is proving that being more in the body and less in the head space offers a tremendous amount of healing to the sufferer. Exercise has always been touted as a major pick me up releasing all those feel good hormones into your system. Zumba is now the new aerobics and gyms are full of people trying to be physically fit across the country. It feels good to get out there and MOVE! Yoga has finally been accepted into the mainstream in western society after years of demonization and studies are showing great benefits from this gentle and soothing body modality. It feels equally awesome to sink into the body space in a gentle way. Slowly, the world consciousness is evolving back to embracing the body as wise and all knowing, capable of healing and repairing itself like the ancients once thought possible before modernity took over! But there is one KEY element missing from what is being offered to us on the platform of goodies that adorn the Groupon pages and which is the essence of healing anything in life. Profound healing requires that human beings connect at a relational level with each other to create affective nets of love in safe spaces. Understandably, this might be a scary proposition for many who suffer from trauma meted out at the hands of another human being and it's the last place we'd want to look for healing. It's too scary, right? Fear keeps us away from connecting. But remember, what we resist the most is often times what we need in great quantities. I present to you a unique way to embrace what ails you, love it, release it and live life again. The system of Biodanza is a part of the complementary health services available to humanity all over the world. Created in the 60s' by Chilean Rolando Toro it is now practiced on 5 continents, in over 50 countries, by 100,000+ people weekly, with 2,500+ facilitators bearing witness to the healing beauty of humanity, love and life lived in the present moment. Biodanza creates the space for all people to begin the process of coming back to self and letting go of fear, anxiety and depression. Biodanza will offer you a weekly space to embrace joy, vitality and all of the yummy potential of self. So what is it and how does it work? You join a beginning group and show up weekly. Showing up for life will unlock doors for you! You dance. That's it. You dance. You embrace joy and vitality, awareness and a sense of peacefulness. You connect to life on many levels...with yourself, with others, with something greater than you. You learn to begin to feel with no filters in place. The release process begins. Wordless for one and half to two hours. You close down the rational and remain heart centered. You surrender to the process you want to heal and begin to trust again in the universe and mankind. You commit to your healing journey. You show up the next week and do it again. No excuses. Maybe you share in the opening share circle at the next class. Maybe not. You work your way there. Maybe you continue your work with your therapist/life coach adding the verbal component to the Biodanza vivencial aspect. Both are valid. You slowly start to see that your trauma will no longer define who you are. You are more than a happening in life. You are glorious and special. This starts to reflect itself in your relationships both at home and at work. Life is getting better and better every week! What is happening in the body? many things too numerous for a short blog... In a nutshell, because the human being is wired for happiness committing to a weekly Biodanza class where positive eco-factors are created by the facilitator and embraced wholeheartedly by the dancers the body and the brain are entraining to a new way of being, perceiving and thus thinking. This is done not through words, but through movement, connection and music. Slowly, shifts are being made both internally as the positive environment works on your biology and physiology and externally. Each sessions reinforces the positive and wonderful potentials in your life. Beware: Biodanza is not an immediate fix for your ills. It's not a daily pill to make it go away. It's not an ayahuasca trip for sudden enlightenment, nor a passive journey of lying on a table or a solo class of relaxation. It is the "poetry of human encounter", as we say. Your enlightenment happens in its own time, at its own pace. With love and tenderness in a safe space. It is being present and active in healing your fear. It is feeling what you need to feel. It is asking and receiving what you need out of life and people. It is establishing boundaries for yourself. It is gradual acceptance of what is and a loving forgiveness of what was. It is affirming and good. It is your dance of life towards wellness and good health. Peace and blessings Michelle
"small talk about rEVOLutionary
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