Do you want to invite more JOY & VITALITY into your life?
Weekly Biodanza movement sessions will create that space for you!
September 2016 10 week therapeutic course begins! $200, Monday evenings 7:45 to 9:30pm email Michelle for more info
How does it work?
Biodanza is a process. It is designed to be experienced in weekly sessions and weekends over a number of years.
It involves attend regular group classes which may be structured as terms or courses and workshops.
Weekly classes are 1.5-2 hours, workshops might be 1-4 days.
The classes are progressive and are structured to develop the expressive capacity of participants over time.
Depending on Biodanza in an area there might be introductory and deepening groups. If you are new to Biodanza it is recommended to commence with an introductory group.
Each session has a series of exercises and dances to explore and express your potential in a fun, inviting and engaging way with music, dance and movement exercises.
The sessions are run by facilitators that complete a 3 year international certification to facilitate Biodanza.
Major biochemical and neurological re-balancing takes place during sessions and this supports positive pathways and patterns for living to emerge in us, take root, and grow . . . with regular Biodanza, many people find their lives and relationships transforming!
In Biodanza the music, dances, exercises and dancing socially induce vivencias. A vivencia is a moment lived intensely in the here and now.
For e.g active rhythmic dancing stimulated by uplifting music, induces vivencias of vitality, whereas slow and fluid movements to slower, calming music tend to induce vivencias of centeredness and inner peace.
In vivencia we are a state of full integration, of plenitude in ourselves, our relationship to others and our environment. There is cohesion between mind and body – physicality and psyche. The more we experience integrative vivencias, the more they become a habit and are experienced often in everyday life.
Work tensions, emotional difficulties, family challenges, economic pressure, and a life with little existential meaning affect our mood, our immune system, our entire organism.
Biodanza helps you to release the effects of cumulative stress and access more health, joy, vitality and pleasure in living.
“Biodanza goes beyond being a “therapy” . . . My personal experience of Biodanza’s power to “bring it all together” was that it spoke to me equally as a researcher and a dancer of life – and provided opportunities to actually live the connections between them.” Rebecca, Dance Therapist
(the above so beautifully written by and taken from the Australian Biodanza website)