Spirit Fly!
Wondering/Wandering where your spiritual life is headed? Need some support with this dance of spirit in your life? Allow me to dance your mind and heart with focused coaching and techniques to open the space for your deeper, personal spirituality to flow and perhaps add some healing meditation to your life if you so desire. •$320 for 4 coaching session via phone/skype What's in a DREAM?
Your dreams are very powerful connections to spirit and can tell you so much about what is going on with you and your life, your health, your loved ones. Using a unique coaching tool, I can help you get more clarity on any dreams that may be recurring or even the one off dream. Try a Dream Circle to begin with if you prefer! Or get a one hour Dream Analysis HERE |
"I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit." Khalil Gibran Reiki Waltz Energy healing session to get your chi (energy) moving on the inside! Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. This modality is embraced by prestigious institutions such as Johns Hopkins Hospital and Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center (where Dr Oz operates) and over 800 hospitals in the US. Michelle is a Master Reiki Practitioner in the Usui Ryoho tradition and has also been trained in Quantum Touch Level 1 and Positive EFT, other forms of energy medicine. •$90 for 60 to75 minute session in person session for Maryland area clients •I can also offer you distance reiki. For more info: HERE |
HoursCheck my online offerings! |
Telephone410-736-9311 |