![]() WHO? Men or women in need of joy! WHEN? Mondays DATES? Begins November 2nd Nov2, 9, 16, 30 Dec 7, 14, 21, Jan 11, 18, 25 WHERE? Life Dance Loft, Fulton, Maryland COST: $250 includes all supplies we will need and a guest speaker or two! REGISTER HERE TIME: 4pm to 5:30pm WHAT: A 10 week rEVOLution of learning to live in joy; all you need is the book and an open mind. HOW: a little bit of heart centered coaching, a little bit of teaching, a little bit of mind•body connection, and lots of fun and activities and/or ceremonies that will expand your perspective on life! WHY: Why not? WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW? •register above first! •buy the actual book so you can dog ear it!! Or not...iPads are good too! •honor yourself and buy a beautiful journal to write in PERKS of taking this program besides the obvious joy feast we will experience: •6 - 1/2 price phone/skype coaching for those who participate in the program, if you so choose •Weekly email inspiration from me! •Access to private Facebook page where we can be connected if we want to! |
![]() Using the awesome book...
THE JOY DIET 10 daily practices for healthier life by Martha Beck, columnist for "O" magazine and author of many books! We will read one short chapter a week, delve into the joy factor of that week, do activities around the joy zone to embody them and connect to our innate potentials for HAPPINESS! I recommend buying the book in print form so we can use it during the program and dog ear it! Buy book: |
HoursCheck my online offerings! |
Telephone410-736-9311 |